of praise for all your terrible suffering. Does it not seem obvious that we should build different structures...ones that last more than a generation. Randomness defeats human engineering. Simple randomness. We are not all powerful. Perhaps god does exist. What if it is but a child...deaf,cruel and wanting? Blindly stomping on a blanket full of kittens thinking it is having a wonderful time not knowing the destruction in its wake.
Should we seek a more perfect being?
Should we seek to evolve ourselves and learn all the secrets of the universe?
I see the concept of GOD as an enemy to the practical intellect.
The devil and Christ are the same character to the practical intellect.
The practical intellect does not care if it is smart or stupid.
The practical intellect only deals in knowledge and method.
It is the learning aspect.
(maybe)There is an infinite amount of knowledge to be learned.
Using the word god to describe what you do not know...is simple distraction.
The practical intellect perceives and attempts to solve problems.
Myth and mysticism, however entertaining or enlightening, have no emotional effect on the practical intellect.
When man was young he hurt his brothers and when fully grown.. led them off to war.
OLD man. You don't go off to war.
Let the young ones do the dying....that way they will not live long enough to learn anything.
Perpetuate the ancient ways.
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