Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Massive Killing Capacity...

Isn't just an album by death metal greats DISMEMBER, it is also one of the mainstays of global politics.  The ability to kill a great number of people is very important when it comes to making an entrance onto the world stage.  Does any nation really want autonomy?  or are they more interested in trading and building middle classes?  Are the dictators and tyrants of today the saints and martyrs of tomorrow?  Do the Banks run everything?  Certainly they don't run everything.  They just affect everything relevant to human comfort and freedom...which feels like everything because its all that is necessary for happiness and productivity to flourish in any given population.  FREE AND PLENTY...the future is unlikely and unknown.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

THE ILLUSION OF THE STATE (weekend at bernies)

Nearly all of what the people see of the state is sub derivative gibberish.  People encounter cops.  They encounter meter maids...employees.  Civil workers...all these labels serve to obfuscate the truth of this illusion's effect on individual and subsequent group behavior.  People's experiences involving the state are very rarely positive.  (even if you consider welfare to be a positive thing, which i do not, and therefore do not use it)  Most people who interact with the state directly aren't the ones interacting the most with the state.  There are supposedly avenues of addressing the state, but unless i hear a reasonable argument otherwise...it seems as though it has been purposefully constructed to avoid losing any kind of power. (even over the small things)*Now that the earth is neatly carved and served to the graduates of fine universities...  People's privacy is the last battle field. And I believe the state will seek critical mass and subsequent destruction through a systematic invasion of the privacy of every individual who interacts in any way with the state. They have painted themselves into a corner.  The lie of America's greatness has long been viewed as obvious...but the children who were raised singing the star spangled banner need to realize that what they are singing about is an ideologically bloated corpse. They prop up the dead images of america's past...and do little today to create their own legacy of greatness.  Instead the dance goes on...and the state is constantly increased at the expense of the general population.

original sketch

Friday, November 19, 2010


It is unreasonable to assume that a human being is punished after they die for something they did while alive.



It is unreasonable to assume that people with no wealth will tolerate guns being pointed at them.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Since the space beyond earth promises to be the only place that we may build a free society...our thoughts and efforts on earth should reflect an interest in leaving the planet and not coming back.


It is a false belief that a common menace exists.  Bankers, Taxation and the subsequent police state that preys upon free people... combine to form a (partially deliberate) system that destroys individual freedom.  It seeks to justify its own existence at the expense of the general population.



It is unreasonable to assume that all free men desire to pay a banker to look after their money.
It is unreasonable to assume that a free man would desire to borrow what he needs because he can no longer earn what he needs.
Banks are unreasonable.


It is unreasonable to assume that each child born will naturally want to spend his lifeblood funding a government.
It is unreasonable to assume that a child born under a flag should desire to salute it...ever in his life.
Government is unreasonable.